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長度42.80 英尺(13.05 米)
阔度7.80 英尺(2.38 米)
高度6.20 英尺(1.89 米)
行李容量140 立方英尺(3.96 立方米)
巡航速度851.92 千米/小时
最大航程6,450 海里


猎鹰8X超长距离公务机,可直飞香港-巴黎、伦敦-开普敦、洛杉矶-北京。机舱 -堪称猎鹰系列中最长的机舱 - 可提供更多的舒适性和超过30种不同布局的惊喜选择。 在设计猎鹰8X时,达索重新考虑了所有主要结构和系统,使其适应并优化为集成的高效机身。 新的内部机翼结构既减轻了机翼结构,又提供了更多的燃料空间。 新的小翼可以减少阻力,提高效率。 机身可容纳更多燃料,而不会减少乘客空间。 起落架已得到加强,以提供额外的有效载荷。 Falcon 8X ultra long range business jet with non-stop flights between Hong Kong and Paris, London and Cape Town, and Los Angeles and Beijing. The cabin -- arguably the longest in the Falcon series -- offers more comfort and surprise options in more than 30 different layouts. In designing the Falcon 8X, Dassault reconsidered all major structures and systems, adapting and optimizing them for an integrated, efficient airframe. The new interior wing structure both lightens the wing structure and provides more fuel room. The new winglets reduce drag and improve efficiency. The fuselage can hold more fuel without reducing passenger space. The landing gear has been strengthened to provide additional payload.


包机服务 机型展示