由于平衡性能优越,飞鸿100可以飞行1,178海里,实际空速为390节。其内部每一处设计都非常对称。 其简洁整齐的线形给人一种轻盈、宁静和开阔的感觉。其玻璃装饰、黑色安静的驾驶室具有很大的直观性,使职业驾驶员在入门阶段容易操控。 Due to its excellent balance, the Feihong 100 can fly 1,178 nautical miles at an actual airspeed of 390 knots. Everything inside is very symmetrical. Its simple and neat line gives a sense of lightness, tranquility and openness. Its glass-trimmed, black, quiet cab is intuitive, making it easy for professional drivers to navigate in the beginner's stage.