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Baron G58

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有效载荷0- 1000 kg


巴龙G58活塞是马力与安心、双引擎冗余和安全的完美平衡。男爵G58活塞有六个座位,大的货舱门和两个行李舱,为商务和休闲提供了极大的灵活性。 男爵G58活塞式飞机配备了你所期望的舒适性,是一个诱人的休闲场所。137立方英尺的机舱具有四个俱乐部配置的座椅,配有腰部支撑和头枕。机舱是可配置的,以满足您对腿部空间、大型行李或货物的需求。 真皮座椅、可收放的桌子、阅读灯和机舱内的USB接口,将会议室的舒适性带到了空中。超强的隔音效果来自于厚实的有色车窗,以实现最安静的驾驶。可灵活配置2至6名乘客的座位,以允许最大的空间来满足您的需求。 The BARON G58 piston is the perfect balance of horsepower combined with peace-of-mind, twin-engine redundancy and security. With seating for six, large cargo doors and two baggage compartments, the Baron G58 piston offers great flexibility for both business and pleasure. The Baron G58 piston is complete with comforts you’d expect from an inviting retreat. The 137-cubic-foot cabin features four seats in a club configuration, complete with lumbar support and headrests. The cabin is configurable to fit your needs for legroom, large baggage or cargo. Leather seats, stowable tables, reading lights and cabin USB ports bringthe comforts of the conférence room toSuperior soundproofing cornes from thick, tinted windows for the quietest possible ride.Flexible seating for two to six passengers can be configured to allow maximum space to fit your needs.


客机 商务机 货机 直升机