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AW 109

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引擎P&W 207C


AW109的电子医疗系统(EMS)配有最好的医疗设备。宽敞的病人/医疗舱与驾驶舱完全独立开来,可容纳2~3个人在垂直的空间内活动而不影响驾驶员。机舱内配有医疗设备和药品物资等,可在飞机飞行过程中无时无刻供应,使得医疗过程不受间断。在机舱的后舱壁和上层侧翼片上装有两个标准规格栏杆。  AW109用途广泛,可用作政府物质运输、近海航行、紧急药物供给或者执行监视和军队巡逻任务。 The electronic medical system (EMS) of aw109 is equipped with the best medical equipment. The spacious patient / medical cabin is completely independent of the cockpit and can accommodate 2 ~ 3 people to move in a vertical space without affecting the driver. The cabin is equipped with medical equipment and medicine materials, which can be supplied all the time during the flight of the aircraft, so that the medical process is uninterrupted. Two standard railings are installed on the rear cabin wall and upper wing of the engine room. Aw109 has a wide range of uses and can be used for government material transportation, offshore navigation, emergency drug supply or monitoring and military patrol tasks.


客机 商务机 货机 直升机